Echo Writes Code

Refactor core::format


The core::format namespace has served a very useful purpose since it was written, but it is cumbersome for a number of reasons:

  • Having to use std::string because String isn't finished yet / unicode handling is hard / cyclic dependency (because String also needs a format() method)
  • Possibility of running out of memory due to accumulating a structure when we might not necessarily need to, e.g. if we're formatting directly to stdout
  • It's not true formatting: it mainly just builds a nice representation of the internal structure of an object and its subobjects, but it can't really mix and match that representation with anything
  • It's only customizable on a very shallow level (indent size); stuff like colorization, multiline / not multiline, maximum length before abbreviation, etc. is all not configurable


Re-write core::format to satisfy the following requirements:

  • It must only allocate memory if the result is going to be stored in memory; if it is writing to a file or a socket or some other data sink, the formatting result should go directly to that destination
  • It should support interpolating the format results into static strings (while upholding the no-allocation requirement above)
  • It should not use std::string; instead, the output should be written as UTF-8 into a String<Utf8> (or at least a DynamicArray<char8_t>)
  • It should support customization at the point of the format call (probably through some kind of format specifier syntax like you see in std::printf())

The most likely best implementation for this type of system will be passing a mutable reference to some kind of "sink" structure down through the format() methods of each subobject, allowing each to write its information to the sink. That means that format() will no longer return anything, instead leaving the sink to compose the parts or just write them as is.