Echo Writes Code


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



core library

  • A new namespace called assert, containing functions for implementing the ASSERT macro family
  • In the assert namespace:
    • A pair of new macros called ASSERT and ASSERT_NOT_NULL, which terminate the program with a message if the assertion does not pass
    • A template function called fail, which implements the assertion failure mechanism
  • A new namespace called either, containing the Either type for holding one of two types of value
  • In the either namespace:
    • A tag type called PreventSelectionForCopyAndMove used internally
    • A pair of templates called LHS and RHS which distinguish the alternatives of an Either
    • A template called Either which can hold one of two values, which can have different types
    • A pair of functions called make_lhs() and make_rhs(), which can be used to create LHS and RHS instances to pass to an Either

parsing library

  • In the bits namespace:
    • A new parser called SizedByteSequence which extracts a specific number of bytes from the input

testing library

  • In the expect namespace:
    • A pair of new macros called EXPECT_CONTAINER_EQ and EXPECT_CONTAINER_NE, which check for (in)equality between two iterables



  • Turned all instances of std::u8string, std::u8string_view, char8_t, and u8"" literals back into their legacy versions due to bad support
  • Standardized constructor syntax ({} unless () is semantically required)

parsing library

  • The bits::ByteSequence and text::CharacterSequence parsers now make a deep copy of their sequences
  • The bits::ByteSequence parser has been renamed to bits::ExactByteSequence




  • Compilation error on AppleClang: no viable constructor or deduction guide in core::assert::fail()



Released on October 02, 2021.


New libraries

  • vm library for the virtual machine implementation
  • parsing library for parser combinators

parsing library features

  • bits namespace containing primitives for parsing binary data
    • FixedWidthUnsignedIntegerType concept, which constrains to one of the std::uintN_t types
    • ByteSequenceMismatch basic error type
    • UnexpectedEndOfInput basic error type
    • BitsError composite error type
    • BitsState type specialized for binary data
    • ByteSequence parser which matches an exact sequence of bytes
    • LittleEndianUnsignedInteger parser template
    • BigEndianUnsignedInteger parser template
  • combinators namespace containing types for combining simple parsers into more complex parsers
    • BothMatch error template
    • NeitherMatch error template
    • OneOfError composite error type
    • OneOf parser combinator, which matches exclusively one or the other of the child parsers
    • AndThen parser combinator, which matches one parser followed by another parser and returns both results
    • operators namespace containing tools for building combinator trees
      • operator^, which combines two parsers using the OneOf combinator
      • operator&, which combines two parsers using the AndThen combinator
  • result namespace containing utility types for the outcomes of individual parsers
    • Reject template for holding information about a rejected parse
    • Accept template for holding information about an accepted parse
    • reject function for building a Reject wrapped in a core::result::Failure
    • accept function for building an Accept wrapped in a core::result::Success
  • text namespace containing primitives for parsing UTF-8 data
    • CharacterSequenceMismatch basic error type
    • TextError composite error type
    • TextState type specialized for UTF-8 data
    • CharacterSequence parser which matches an exact sequence of characters

testing library features

  • New namespace: fixture for types related to test fixtures
  • In the fixture namespace:
    • FixtureFunction alias for the type of a fixture function
    • FixtureVariant template type which serves as a base class for each kind of fixture
    • BeforeAll, AfterAll, BeforeEach, and AfterEach tag types which differentiate each kind of fixture
    • The Fixture type itself, which abstracts over all of these details
    • In the FixtureVariant type:
      • A constructor accepting a FixtureFunction
      • A getter method called get_name() which returns the name of the fixture variant based on which derived class calls it
      • A method named execute() which runs the fixture and returns an outcome, just like a scenario
    • In the BeforeAll, AfterAll, BeforeEach, and AfterEach types:
      • A constant string field containing the name of the variant for reporting purposes
    • In the Fixture type:
      • A constructor which accepts a name and a fixture variant
      • A template method called has_variant() which checks what kind of fixture this is
      • A method called get_variant_name() which forwards to get_name() on the underlying variant
      • A getter method called get_name() which retrieves the fixture's name
      • A method called execute() which forwards to execute() on the underlying variant
  • In the suite namespace:
    • Four new macros which define fixtures in the same way as scenarios: BEFORE_ALL, AFTER_ALL, BEFORE_EACH, and AFTER_EACH
    • A new type called FixtureRegistrar which is used by the new macros to add fixtures to the suite
    • In the FixtureRegistrar type:
      • A constructor that forwards to add_fixture() on the suite
    • In the Suite singleton:
      • A method called add_fixture() which registers a new fixture in the suite
  • In reporter::Reporter, abstract_reporter::AbstractReporter, and console_reporter::ConsoleReporter:
    • Two new methods called handle_fixture_start() and handle_fixture_end() which are called before and after each fixture
    • Another new method called set_show_fixtures() which toggles how much information is reported about fixtures
  • In the expect namespace:
    • A new template function called fail_comparison(), which is exactly like fail() but formats its output specifically as a comparison failure


Build system

  • Upgrade the C++ version to C++20
  • Renamed the test library to testing to better fit with other library names (specifically parsing)

testing library features

  • Print a special message when there are no tests in a test suite
  • Tests can now accept a --show-fixtures argument on the command line which causes the reporter to print more information about which fixtures run and when
  • The SCENARIO macro and ScenarioRegistrar type have been moved to the suite namespace
  • The console reporter will now display a count of total fixture invocations in the suite summary
  • All reporters now require a third argument, fixture_count, to the handle_suite_end() method
  • The EXPECT family of macros now print much more detailed information when a test fails
  • In the expect namespace:
    • The fail function now takes more arguments and has been made into a template based on the type of value being EXPECTed


parsing library

  • Compilation cast truncates constant value warning on MSVC

testing library

  • Disallow copying and moving the Suite singleton
  • Incorrect include guard symbols
  • Compilation warning on AppleClang: [[nodiscard]] on a function returning void

Build system

  • Give a nice message from CMake instead of weird errors when trying to build for non-64-bit systems


Released on September 04, 2021.


New libraries

  • core library for fundamental types and functions used by everything else
  • test library for testing infrastructure
  • unix library for wrapping Unix-like APIs
  • windows library for wrapping Windows APIs

core library features

  • core::constant_error namespace, containing a ConstantError template for errors with a constant message
  • core::error_chain namespace, containing the ErrorChain class for building complex error types
  • core::none namespace, containing the None type to use as a placeholder
  • core::resource_warden namespace, containing a class template for cleaning up raw resources on scope exit
  • core::result namespace, containing facilities for operations that can fail

test library features

  • test::abstract_reporter namespace, containing the AbstractReporter interface
  • test::cli namespace, containing a function execute() that can be called from main()
  • test::console_reporter namespace, containing a reporter that writes to stdout
  • test::expect namespace, containing macros to express test assertions
  • test::outcome namespace, containing types representing scenario outcomes
  • test::reporter namespace, containing factories for specific reporters and also a wrapper type
  • test::scenario namespace, containing the Scenario type for representing a single test scenario
  • test::suite namespace, containing the Suite singleton used to hold all of the tests in a suite

unix library features

  • unix::errno_error namespace, containing utilities for working with errno
  • unix::fs namespace, containing wrappers for filesystem APIs on Unix-like systems

windows library features

  • windows::fs namespace, containing wrappers for filesystem APIs on Windows
  • windows::transcoding namespace, containing functions for transcoding UTF8 with UTF16 for Windows APIs
  • windows::windows_error namespace, containing functions and a type for reading and formatting Windows errors

Build system features

  • AddCrucibleExecutable module, which provides a wrapper for add_executable()
  • AddCrucibleLibrary module, which provides a wrapper for add_library()
  • AddCrucibleTest module, which provides a wrapper for add_test()
  • EnableCompilerWarnings module, which provides a function that enables common compiler warning flags
  • EnableRuntimeSanitizers module, which provides a function that enables ASAN, TSAN, and UBSAN based on options
  • Write all final build outputs (executables and libraries) to ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/artifacts
  • Automatically export all symbols from all libraries when building Windows DLLs

Repository features

  • Build dependencies in the README
  • Build instructions in the README
  • Test instructions in the README
  • Attribution in the README