Echo Writes Code

Environment variable configuration options


There are some behaviors that might be incredibly annoying for end users if they can't turn them off: colorization, which subsystems to use, default text encoding, etc. We can reasonably auto-detect the correct behavior in 99% of cases, but sometimes the end user does know better, and should be able to override the autodetection even from many layers up the stack. Therefore, we should provide a small table of environment variables that can configure Crucible's most impactful behavior from anywhere.


Create a new namespace core::environment that provides a super simple API:

  • A constexpr definition for each configuration variable we recognize (start with colorization, because we can already use that one)
  • A table mapping the variable names to parsed values (we'll load them once on startup and then cache them)
  • A way to iterate over the table
  • A way to get a particular variable
  • An initializer function that seeds the table with its default values, then reads each environment variable and, if they're set, parses them and puts the result in the table
  • It is acceptable to hard crash (not assertion failure, but terminate the program) if initialization fails
  • Call the initializer function from boot::main::bridge_os_main_to_crucible_launch() so it's available in all executables